Boost your Law Of Attraction results with Indonesian esoteric techniques!



33% OFF

not an AI generated ebook, purely from our esoteric cultural traditions

Clean your aura while boosting it with natural energy

Strengthens your Law of Attraction and speeds up the manifestation process

Easy to practice yet highly effective

Does The Law of Attraction feels vague to you, as if it simultaneously exist and doesn't exist? 

Consider how a magnet attracts objects: the stronger the magnetic force, the clearer and more distant its reach. The same principle applies inversely. Our bodies posses electromagnetic fields that offer various benefits. Unfortunately, not everyone has a strong magnetic field. This book's content will cleanse and enhance your electromagnetic field, amplifying its positive impact on your life.

Level Up Your Magnet Today!

In our country Indonesia, every tribe has an esoteric culture. Our ancestors have prepared ceremonies, rituals and prayers which always contain esoteric values ​​in them. Then we explored this with metaphysical theories so that it became clear.


We present the essence of practices that have been empirically proven to be beneficial, delivering straightforward and uncomplicated guidance, making it easy for you to follow.

Improve your quality of life now with better energy!

Here's How It Works:

Cleansing your aura

Increase your Will Power

Increase your energy level



33% OFF

not an AI generated ebook, purely from our esoteric cultural traditions

Clean your aura while boosting it with natural energy

Strengthens your Law of Attraction and speeds up the manifestation process

Easy to practice but very powerful

Here's What You'll Need:

Only 15-20 minutes of free time for 21 days

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can it be done by everyone?

Yes, everyone can practice the contents of this ebook. This ebook contains simple but vital techniques for your progress

Will everyone succeed in practicing it?

t's not about success or failure; everyone will experience progress, though it will vary for each individual due to differing personal conditions.

Can the material only be used by certain people, tribes, or religions?

No, this material encapsulates the essence of various cultures we have explored, making it universal and accessible for everyone to practice